Miss LakeKnitter Emmy has a valid point in her most recent blog post, in that Ravelry may be sucking up a lot of what used to be prime blogging time. I can definitely relate. Being as my latest passion is spinning and drop-spindling, I've been spending a lot of time chatting in Ravelry's Spindlers group, where much inspiration, encouragement, education, admiration and (most dangerously) enabling of stash-enhancement (for both spindles and fiber) is taking place.
Case in point, some recent acquisitions:

Fiber: 80/20% Merino/Silk in "Cabaret" from Tempted, on The Loopy Ewe
Recently somewhat started a discussion entitled "Spinning becoming a passion?", about how her knitting projects have gone neglected by the wayside, while she becomes more and more enchanted with creating yarn on her drop spindle. Oh, how I can relate.
Many people voiced agreement and cited their reasons for loving spindling, including its portability and the ability to take advantage of stolen moments while on hold on the phone, or waiting for a pot to boil. This prompted someone to suggest the creation of a bumper sticker that says something like "Spindlers do it during every spare moment".
Which then led to an even racier bumper sticker suggestion:
"Wheel Spinners do it in the orifice".
I know, I know. Tacky and classless.
And hilarious.
Made my day.
I know, I know. Tacky and classless.
And hilarious.
Made my day.