Thursday, December 04, 2008

Counting down...

Sorry for the extended blog silence, but, at least now there's light at the end of the tunnel -- I've started a countdown:

As you were.


Bess said...

Yippee! On all counts. Glad you're back. Glad you see a light at the end of the tunnel. got to see you soon. Hugs

SissySees said...

Yay for you! Hang on...

Robin C said...

Glad you are back in town. sorry you hate the job but have a plan I see.

Hope to see you sometime before the new year.

Margaret said...

ummm, Congratulations on your unemployment plans?! Seriously, I've had jobs that I hated with the heat of 1000 suns, I get it.

Firefly Nights said...

Are you retiring or planning on winning the lottery?

Re: most recent post. Don't worry about being so far behind. I just did my first post in two months yesterday and as I've gradually started reading blogs again I've noticed that everyone seems to be posting less during the holidays.

Isn't it a shame about Robin moving to Ohio? I've e-mailed her twice and haven't heard from her. I'm very sorry that she'll be leaving. Are you going to Knittin at the Lake?