Warning!: Lengthy post!)
Saturday was the
Knit-In for charity, which in my opinion was quite successful!
In preparation, I offered to help spread the word and dropped off some flyers at several yarn stores on Thursday.
(Twist my arm -- any excuse for a yarn crawl!)First on the list was
The Yarn Lounge in Carytown. Proof I was there,
(my version of proof -- you haven't visited unless you purchase something):

My very first pair of Addi Turbo circulars. It was an impulse buy and methinks they're probably longer than I will ever need (60 inches!), but I figure I might be able to use them for a lengthwise scarf. I think they're still too long for that, so may have to return them for a more reasonable shorter length.
Next was The Knitting Basket at Libby & Grove. Those folks are so nice! Again, proof I was there:

Yummy-licious Crystal Palace "Musique" in my favorite colors (of course). I got their last three balls of this colorway -- score! This is going to be a scarf, carried with GGH "Apart" in a teal green for my sister Julie for Christmas. Pictures of that in a future post.
Finally, I drove out to Powhatan (it's so pretty out there - makes me want to move out to the country, buy a farm, raise some sheep and learn to spin! But I digress...), and stopped by Holly Spring Homespun. Owner Kathy is very nice. If you visit her website, the little knitting dog in the knit-along photo is Scarlet, who is the cutest little thing (pug?) you've ever seen, and wants to play fetch the whole time you're there. Kathy is a spinner & dyer and so has spinning items (rovings, wheels, carders, etc.) for sale in a little room off the main shop. Proof that I visited her shop:

That's Tahki's "Angel" in colorway 9. (Yes, I'm stuck in a color rut, but I don't care!)
Fast-forward to Saturday's Knit-In which was held at
Countryside Christian Church out near Brandermill. Attending were
Pat, (the organizer), Victoria, Catherine, Kim, Laura (a beader, not a knitter), Robin, and myself. It was so great to meet all of them -- everyone was fantastic, and I had a blast knitting and chatting with them. While we were there, one lady stopped by with a huge bag of scarves she's knitted or crocheted while traveling for work. There must have been 30 scarves in that bag! We were blown away! She also dropped off tons of toiletries from various hotels where she's stayed, which Pat & Laura assured us would be welcomed at a local women's shelter. Another lady who saw the flyer at Holly Spring Homespun brought by about 7 scarves she'd knitted. Pat had also been busy prior to the knit-in -- she came with several FO's of her own and was working on another one while we were there. And Catherine, a lovely older woman who lives in the area, had also made several hats & scarves prior to the gathering which she brought with her to donate. Lovely Laura worked on beaded bracelets while we were there, and made each of us one to match our outfits. Fortunately I was wearing my favorite color that day,
(three guesses as to what that is), so Laura made me one with alternating teal and silver beads. Yippee! Thanks, Laura! And lovely Pat gave each one of us a lovely-smelling Christmas candle -- thanks, Pat!
Without further ado, here are some photos from our Knit-In:

Victoria, (a lovely lady originally from New York - I could listen to that Yankee accent all day!), and Pat helping Victoria with her knitting.
Robin and Laura (the beader)

The beaded bracelet Laura made for me.

This is Kim, who is living my dream life -- she has a farm with sheep and spins her own wool and weaves and knits. Poor thing -- I was throwing questions at her right and left about every aspect of her fiber life. She has a booth at the Montpelier Fall Fiber Festival, the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival, and the Spring Fiber Festival, so look for her there -- apparently her weavings are fantastic! Here she is knitting with leftover warp threads from her loom. Very thrifty, and the scarf she made was very cool!
Amazingly enough, the total scarf count from this Knit-In was a whopping 54! And there were so many beautiful ones there, not just utilitarian warm. Who says you can't be warm AND stylish?

The woman who brought the 30+ scarves did a smart thing -- she wrapped the original yarn label around the finished scarf, so the recipient would have the care instructions. Brilliant!
I started my scarf while there and got about 2/3 of the way through before it was time to leave, so I finished at home last night and put it in the mail today to Pat. Here's the finished version -- I made it about 4½' long and about 10-12" wide -- I figured it would go to a man, who might prefer a bit shorter, but wider scarf, which is also why I did not add fringe.

It is knit with Gedifra 'Arica' on size 17 needles, cast-on 18 stitches, knit every row. It made a loose but drapey (and fast-knitted) scarf.
I had such a nice time during this function and really enjoyed meeting all the lovely ladies that I think I'll go back for their regular "knit nights". They typically meet from 5-7 pm on Sunday evenings, which fits perfectly with my schedule. (The weeknight Richmond-area "Stitch 'n Bitch" meetings aren't possible when I'm out of town).
Many thanks to Pat Turner for spear-heading this wonderful event!
Update: As of 1/8/06, Pat tells us the total scarf count is 74!